MYSTERIES of the ROSARY the Second Joyful Mystery, the VISITATION – by Deacon Marty McIndoe

This mystery recalls when the Blessed Virgin Mary went to visit her relative, Eliazabeth. It is based upon Luke 1: 39-56.

In this mystery, we are called to reflect upon how Mary, newly pregnant with Jesus, traveled to help her older cousin Elizabeth, who is pregnant with John the Baptist. The gospel tells us that Mary went to the hill country to Ain Karim which is almost a trip of 100 miles from Nazareth. It should also be noted that Mary went from a lower elevation to a higher elevation where she climbed uphill 1,336 feet. The gospel mentions only Mary, but it is quite likely that Joseph also went to help protect her. We do not know for sure. It was dangerous country, filled with thieves. Nonetheless, Mary decided that she should go to help her older pregnant cousin.

The scripture also tells us that when Mary greeted the six month pregnant Elizabeth (who had in her John the Baptist), Elizabeth, filled with the Holy Spirit, told Mary that the baby within her had leaped for joy at Mary’s greeting. The word “leaped” appears also in scripture when King David “leaped” and danced before the Ark of the Covenant. Now, John the Baptist leaps before the new Ark of the Covenant, Mary. The scripture also says that Elizabeth, again mentioning that she is filled with the Spirit, cries out to Mary, “Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb. Sound familiar? Elizabeth also calls Mary the mother of my Lord. Elizabeth also blessed Mary for BELIEVING that what was spoken to her by the Lord, would be fulfilled.

Mary then said her famous canticle where she proclaims the greatness of the Lord and tells of all the wonders that were about to happen. She says that even in her lowliness, God has chosen to do great things through her and that because of this, people of all ages will call her blessed. She talks about the holiness of God and his greatness and his mercy. She also says that God will cast down rulers and thrones and lift of the poor. Mary spent three months with Elizabeth helping care for her in her pregnancy and birth of John.

Questions to ponder:

1 – Am I ready to respond to another person’s need, no matter what I am going through?

2 – Am I willing to take that long, and perhaps dangerous journey that God calls me to?

3 – Do I trust completely in God’s love and protection?

4 – Do I respect the gift of life, especially as it is shown in pregnant women?

5 – Am I a person who will go to extremes to protect that life?

6 – Do I help mothers care for their children by providing time or physical resources?

7 – Do I give praise and thanks to God for all that He has done?

8 – Do I hope for a better world and also take steps to work with God to bring it about?

9 – Do I trust and hope that God’s Word will be fulfilled in me?

10 – Do I honor and respect all mothers, especially Mary the Mother of our Lord, and our mother too?

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