MYSTERIES of the ROSARY the First Joyful Mystery the ANNUNCIATION – by Deacon Marty McIndoe


Introduction Paragraph (repeated each session)

As we begin the Lenten Season, the Church asks us to use this time, in a very special way. to grow closer to Jesus and to all that He has for us. It tells us that there are three main “Pillars” to help us accomplish this; Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving. After considerable reflection, I believe that the Lord wants me to write during this Lent about PRAYER, and one specific form of prayer, the ROSARY. Now there are many types and forms of prayer, but I truthfully believe that the ROSARY, when properly done, is one of the most powerful forms of prayer that we have. In my own walk with God within the Church, I have grown in my love of the rosary and in my knowledge of the power of the rosary prayer. One of the problems with people praying the rosary is that they do not always meditate on the mystery itself. This takes so much away from the prayer. It is not just enough to go through the hail marys and our fathers, we also must look at the specific mystery and reflect on that while we pray. The mysteries are very bibical and go through the life of Jesus. For that reason, during Lent, I am going to take one mystery at a time and talk about it so you can use it more when you pray the rosary. There are four separate mysteries of the rosary and each one has five parts. I will do them in the order of the life of Jesus, starting with the JOYFUL, then the LUMINOUS and the SORROWFUL, ending with the GLORIOUS. It has been a tradition to do the Joyful on Monday and Saturday; the Luminous on Thursday; the Sorrowful on Tuesday and Friday; and the Glorious on Wednesday and Sunday. I would suggest that you read each scriptural reference for each mystery and meditate on what was accomplished. I will also include ten (corresponding to the ten hail Marys of each mystery) points to ponder and pray about. These points are used to think not only about what the mystery celebrates, but also what it means to you in your life.


This mystery recalls when the Angel Gabriel visited Mary and announced to her that she would be the mother of Jesus. It is based upon Luke 1: 26-38. and John 1: 14

In this mystery, we are called to reflect upon how the Word was made flesh. Luke tells us that during the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, an angel appeared to Mary. When the angel appeared to this young girl ,she was a virgin waiting to be married to Joseph of the House of David. The Angel Gabriel greeted her by saying, “Hail, favored one” (or blessed one) and this caused Mary to be “greatly troubled”. I can’t imagine what it must have been like for a very young woman to have an angel appear to her, let alone be told that she was highly favored by God. It must have caused considerable confusion and astonishment to Mary. She had no idea what this appearance and greeting might mean. The Angel Gabriel told her not to be afraid and then said to her something quite remarkable. He told her that because of her favor with God, she would conceive and bear a son to be called, Jesus. Mary quickly repsonded by saying that she had not yet been with a man, and how could this be possible? The angel then said to her, “the Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God.” Even though this must have been so much for Mary, she responded with her big YES to the Lord, “be it done to me according to your word”. With that, the angel left her.

Questions to ponder:

1 – How would I respond to a “call” from God to do something?

2 – Do I even listen to God enough to perceive a call?

3 – Would I be willing to do something God asks of me, even if it interferes with my plans?

4 – Do I consider myself too young, or too old, or too uneducated to be able to do God’s request?

5 – Do I truly apprecitate what Mary’s YES means to me and to world salvation?

6 – Do I really believe that Jesus was truly human and truly divine?

7 – Am I trying to learn more about the Incarnation (God becomes man)?

8 – Do I believe that angels are still ar work in the world today?

9 – Do I honor and respect marriage and family life?

10 – Do I understand that a baby, any baby can grow up and can change the world?

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