It’s funny what a strange dream can lead to.
Last night I had a dream that I was standing in a pitch black room. The only light came from two glowing red lines, one in front of me and the other behind me. Faint white smoke plumed from the red line in front of me, indicating its heat. Out of the darkness, someone approached me from behind and began to chuckle in my ear.
I woke up trembling to my alarm.
The minute I logged on to Facebook, I was hit with posts about Trump and Hilary; the Clinton campaign emails about Catholics being backwards, Trump’s disgusting words about women and so on.
Not a day goes by without the election being on my mind. November 8th once felt like a far-off event, but now it’s drawing nearer, getting closer each day like a hungry spider slowly crawling to its cocooned prey.
While I waited in the drive thru on my lunch break, I found myself pondering the dream. As I replayed it in my head, a strange thought crept in: “You have no choice, my dear. You must choose.”
I silently murmured to myself, “And what if I don’t choose?”
At that moment, I had a mental image of the red lines turning into ropes and a trapdoor that had been under my feet the whole time opening.
I snapped out of it when I heard, “Welcome to Jack-n-the-Box! May I take your order?” With a shaky voice, I ordered my food.
Just like the frightening dream, our country is locked airtight in the devil’s bind; we currently have two disordered candidates with their personal character being questionable at best and repulsive at worst. The way I see it, this political bind was years in the making and our nation fell headfirst into this trap long ago.
I’m probably going to sound like a Republican old man living in a red state when I say this, but truth is still truth no matter who is telling it. Out of my way, Donald, this Independent female blogger from bluest of blue California is about to tell it like it is.
We have kicked God out of America; out of our schools, out of our media, even out of our homes. We have rejected the values our Lord holds dear. Our nation allows unborn babies to be slaughtered for any reason, continues to redefine marriage and mocks morality. You know something is wrong with a country where a rapist can serve only six months in the county jail for violating an unconscious woman.
Mother Teresa once said, “Find your own Calcutta.” No need for me to look far, Mama T, because I’m living in it. We may not have people literally dying on the side of the road, but we are a nation of homeless people, splintered families and abandoned veterans. America may be rich in resources, but we are poor in principles. We are a prosperous but hopeless land, thinking we can make it on our own and without the God who bestowed upon us our freedoms in the first place.
Of course the devil would take advantage of this. He has done so little by little, convincing us to remove God from the public square in small doses. What started as snowball removals, such as attempting to take God off the dollar bill and then successfully removing Him out of our schools, has avalanched to where we have became a nation under God in name only. People are more divided than ever before. We no longer see each other as children of God, but rather as enemies if we disagree with one another.
How else do you think two people whose personal values are not rooted in Christ have been able to run for the highest office in the land?
So here we are, trapped in a ditch of our own making, being forced to choose between two candidates nobody wants to elect. We have come to a crossroads regarding what we want our nation to be and we have no idea where to go from here. Can our divided culture be healed? Can the damage that has been done be reversed? Can this damning bind be undone?
In all honesty, I don’t know. I really wish I could tell you that all will be well, but everything depends on individual Americans, and based on the way things are now, I don’t think a revolution of compassion is on the horizon any time soon.
What I do know is that society will change once we change our hearts. We as a nation must open our hearts in order to change them. Jesus is a savior, but He is also a gentleman and will never force Himself on any person or any country. If we are not willing to turn to Him, then He will let us hit rock bottom if that is what it takes to open our eyes.
I say this a lot on the Catholic Girl Bloggin’ FB page and I’ll say it here: The best thing you can do is just strive to be a better person in your every day life. Instead of getting into a shouting match with a friend over a political issue, stop and try to remember how much you value their friendship and then try to find common ground with them. Hold open doors, call a family member and tell them you love them, smile at a passing stranger, help someone carry their things, find volunteer work or a charity event to participate in. The list of ways you can exercise kindness is endless.
I know, this seems like a cop out, but it actually isn’t when you really think about it. Kindness means going outward instead of turning inward, which is something many Americans have done. Once you look beyond yourself and see the struggles of others, you begin to wonder what you can do to serve them. It was selfishness and pride that got our country in this mess, so maybe humility and mercy can be the stepping stones towards a new tomorrow. You won’t fix this country in a day, but you can change the outlook of one person’s day and maybe, just maybe, that person will go on to help another and a gradual chain reaction will begin.
Any time you are a positive force in your family, at your job, within your neighborhood or wherever you are, you are doing the will of God. It is written in John 13:35, “This is how all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
In the dark torrential sea of political discord, you have the opportunity to be the calm island where weary travelers seek refuge. America is in a big mess, but you have the power to have an impact in your own humble way.
“Sanctify yourself and you will sanctify society.”
–Saint Francis of Assisi
“Modern prophets say that our economics have failed us. No! It is not our economics which have failed; it is man who has failed-man who has forgotten God. Hence no manner of economic or political readjustment can possibly save our civilization; we can be saved only by a renovation of the inner man, only by a purging of our hearts and souls; for only by seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Justice will all these other things be added unto us.”
–Venerable Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
Our Lady Undoer of Knots, pray for us.

Catholic Girl Bloggin’ is a twentysomething California gal who started the blog in June of 2015. She writes movie reviews, saints biographies and frequently shares quotes from her heroes, Padre Pio and Mother Teresa. You can check out Catholic Girl Bloggin’ at http://catholicgirlbloggin.net/
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