MYSTERIES OF THE ROSARY the Third Joyful Mystery: the NATIVITY – by Deacon Marty McIndoe
Thanks to St. Francis of Assisi, we are all familiar with Nativity scenes. We put them up in our homes, our churches and our communities. We know quite well the stories shared by Matthew and Luke about Joseph taking the very pregnant Mary to Bethlehem and not finding room in the inn and having to settle for a place where the animals made their homes. We know the stories about the angels coming to the shepherds telling them that the new born King had come. We know how the Wise Men came to offer their gifts to the newborn King of the Jews, We know that this new baby is God-made-man and our savior and our Lord, Jesus the Messiah. In the midst of the nativity story, there is so much symbolism about who Jesus would be. The very fact that Jesus was born in a town named Bethlehem is quite notable. Bethlehem literally means House of Bread. This Jesus would become the Eucharist, the Bread from Heaven. It is also notable that Jesus was laid down in a manger, which is actually a feeding trough for animals. This also points to Jesus being the Bread for the World to be eaten as the Eucharist. Jesus later says, “I am the bread of life; unless you eat my body and drink my blood, you will not have life within you.”
The shepherds are awoken by the heavenly Host of Angels praising God and who tell the shepherds to go visit the newborn King. They do so, and it is interesting that there is some (although possibly scant) evidence that the shepherds in the Bethlehem area were the ones responsible for the lambs to be used in the temple for sacrifice. Jesus is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. These shepherds, who perhaps were responsible for taking care of the temple sacrificial lambs, get to view the true Sacrificial Lamb, Jesus the lamb of God. One of the gifts that the Wise Men bring is Myrrh, which is used at burial time. Here at the birth of Jesus, we are reminded that He was born to die for us. The very Star that led the Wise Men reminds us of the divine plan that is present and how God leads us to where he wants us to go. The Wise Men’s gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh foreshadow Jesus’ roles as King, Son of God and Savior. The whole story of the Nativity reflects that Jesus is born to be among the common people, among the humble of heart, and around the poor. It is truly a reflection of the life of Jesus.
Questions to Ponder:
1 – Do I embrace humility the way Jesus does?
2 – Do I make room for Jesus in my home, and in my life?
3 – Do I offer a welcome home to others?
4 – Do I truly believe that Jesus, the Lamb of God shares his body, blood, soul and divinity with us in the Eucharist?
5 – Have I fully acknowledged that I am a sinner?
6 – Do I really understand that Jesus is my Savior and the answer to my sinful self?
7 – Do I understand that Jesus is the Lamb of God who died for my sins?
8 – Do I attend mass at least weekly to share in the remembrance of what Jesus did in His Passion?
9 – Do I offer prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving to God for all that He has done?
10 – Do I truly celebrate the real meaning of Christmas, and not just the social meaning?
Once in a while you come across a book that is not only interesting and inspirational, but is also something that is so needed for the difficult times we are in. Our House of The Sacred Heart is one of those books. It is a very interesting book. The writer is a gifted poet who is able to deliver both prose and poetry in a way that stimulates the intellect and makes the reader continue to look for more. I found it very difficult to put the book down. As if her writing was not enough (which it is), Moseley presents scripture quotes, words of wisdom and beautiful art work to further stimulate our very being. She tells so many beautiful stories about her family and the way she was brought up. These show us how the gift of faith, especially through the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary, makes life bearable and even joyful during both times of trial and times of cheer. When I read her previous book, Sacred Braille, I thought to myself that this is truly a woman of faith. After reading House of the Sacred Heart, I now can see where that faith came from.
I also found the book to be quite inspirational. Now inspirational can mean many things from how God inspired the writing of the Bible to how a hero can inspire others to do good. This book is inspirational in both ways. Now I am not saying that Our House of the Sacred Heart is inspired like the Bible is, but I can say that the same Holy Spirit that inspired the writings of the Bible also inspired Annabelle Moseley to put together this book using her God-given (inspired) talent of writing and using the inspired scriptures and using artwork that everyone can see is inspired. For the foundation of her book she uses the Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She takes the 33 titles of the litany and weaves stories around them from her family to help show what each litany means. At the center of the family stories is what she calls Our House of The Sacred Heart, or the Red House, which is her grandmother’s house. So much of what her family is, centers around that house. The house is so much more than a dwelling, it is where the faith has been taught and lived out. I particularly like the cover design showing the Red House. The cover was done by my talented friend, T.J. Burdick. I wonder how much it resembles the actual house?
This book is something that is so needed for this time. Our culture has seen family life being disrupted over and over again. It has also seen a significant decrease in people who find their faith meaningful or even relevant to their everyday life. This book shows, in so many ways, through examples from several generations, how important strong faith and strong family life is. It shows us that faith and family, together, can bring us through the darkest moments and can even bring us joy in the midst of difficulties. The book also shows us that our faith is definitely handed down from one generation to the next. This book can not help but to awaken any dormant faith within us.
Annabelle Moseley has definitely written a book to inspire people towards a better appreciation of family life and a better appreciation or our faith. The book can be used in so many different ways. It is a great book for a person to read and appreciate by themselves. It is also a book that could lead an individual to make a Consecration to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. That consecration could use the book in the popular 33 day consecration method to do this. Moseley has included beautiful prayers at the back of the book to not only lead an individual to the consecration but to also do a Consecration of their home. I also believe that this book could be used in the parish setting by offering a group study that leads to the consecration. I certainly hope that this book becomes popular and that a large number of people read it. It is most interesting, very inspirational and certainly very needed for these difficult times. Do yourself, and your family, a favor and buy and read this book. You will be glad that you did.
SPECIAL ADDITION: The author has personally told me that: “I’m leading a Consecration to the Sacred Heart through my website! For those who sign up, they’ll get on each of the 33 days leading to their Consecration a brief daily podcast reflection that includes classic prayers to the Sacred Heart, contemplation of the Litany line of the day, and a brief soundbite to inspire deeper devotion to the Sacred Heart. The consecration begins on May 9th and ends on the Feast of the Sacred Heart: June 11th (on that day participants will get access to a Consecration Day-webinar and along with an author talk will be open to participant Q&A etc). For anyone who signs up, I will also offer a special parish Book Group “Meet the Author” zoom for any parishioners who have read the book… all they have to do is sign up and then email me at ” I think that we should all take advantage of this opportunity. I know that I am and have already signed up. I encourage you to do so too by using the following link. God is good.
Fifteen years ago, Today, the Love of my Life died of cancer.
On the evening of Sharon’s death, I was all alone except a friend who came over, probably for suicide watch. We were in my shop when I had my first experience of the odor of Sanctity. The shop completely and instantly filled up with the scent of the most beautiful, Heavenly perfume I’ve ever smelled. I kept asking my friend if he could smell it but he couldn’t. I even went outside and walked all around the shop to see if I could discover it’s source. It was several months later I gave my Life to the Lord and He delivered me from an 18 year meth addiction. I had not yet even heard of the phenomenon of the Odor of Sanctity but I had a conviction I had a Heavenly visitor that night.
About six months later I wept all over a mountain side that was covered with wildflowers. It was like a botanical garden. I was picking wildflowers with the intention of covering Sharon’s grave with them when I came out of the mountains the following day. As I was picking them I kept saying ”These are for You Baby.” I would instantly collapse into a weeping sobbing heap remembering all the lies I told her about my drug use and whereabouts. I was begging Sharon and begging God to forgive me for who and what I had become. I would recover and resume picking flowers again only to say “These are for you Baby” and Thud… I would collapse into a weeping, sobbing mess again… and again… and again. I finally had a feeling come over me that I was supposed to write something to or for Sharon so I gathered up my wildflowers and returned to my camp and started writing this letter to her. When I wrote the first line I looked up and saw what I call an angel. Honestly, I don’t know what it… He… She was but it was glowing and it looked like it had arms outstretched toward me. It just drifted away until it was out of sight. What I do know is that something Supernatural happened to me that day.
On the anniversary of Sharon’s Death I published what I started writing that day as a Tribute to her in local Obituaries.
“Baby, As long as I live, I will never forget your innocence of a child’s glee smile. It was Christmas time, several years ago and you were watching the Santa Clause you had just bought. I was setting behind you watching this five foot Santa articulating and singing thinking to myself: “I wonder how much this stupid contraption cost?” When you suddenly turned around and looked at me with that smile. That smile of enraptured delight just emanating from your expression. In my lifetime I have never seen such innocence and transparent childlike glee before. Not even close! It was like someone had opened up the window of your soul and right then and right there I saw your heart. That your heart was a true heart. A pure and simple and innocent heart and of more value than anything in this world.
I’m sorry I was a fool. I am so very sorry Baby. Seldom. Very seldom does a day go by that I dont break down and cry when I think of you. The way you were/are. I will never forgive myself for the things I did that hurt such a gentle soul. You were always so kind and generous and loving. It was something that just came so natural to you, like water flowing, like the sun shining, like clouds drifting. Even now I feel your love affecting and influencing my life, my health, my everything. I ALWAYS feel your gentle nudge in my heart. I will NEVER forget your kindness to me. Like the way you took your “storage” room and made it into a “Kevin” room. You made every little detail to the way you thought it would bring a “feel at home” and “make Kevin feel welcome here” essence about it and it did. I want you to know this. Like every endeavor you started you finished with a loving and caring touch. Like Jake’s “dog cabin” you built. With a front porch, breezeway, insulated with an electric heater and two double pane windows so Jake could look out. It was complete with a cedar shake roof and a weather vane on top. Not that Jake ever even once slept in it because you would say: “Tobyyyy Kitty, Jakeyyy, time go bed.” And Jake would instantly climb off the couch and head for the waterbed. I will NEVER forget all the love you showered on me, Jake and Kitty Toby. On EVERYONE Who’s life you touched you imparted a gracious essence of “you”. Like all the help you gave your Mom and Dad, Windy, Barb, Izzy, Jean and everyone else. Like the way you had Christmas and Birthday presents bought and made two and three years ahead of time for many of us. If a person or any creature was Sharon McCarthy Sterling’s Friend, they truly had a friend. A friend in deed. A friend in truth. I love you Baby. I know that God took you because one such as you has an intrinsic value and you will apply yourself to good works in God’s Kingdom, for His Eternal Purpose and for His Glory. I Miss you Baby. I will never forget you Sharon and I will never stop loving you. I long for the day I see you again, and I know I will, and when I do, if you don’t have a hammer or a saw or a paintbrush or a gardening trowel in your hand, I KNOW you will have that same smile of innocent childlike delight glowing on your face.
Luv, Me
“Jesus said unto her “I Am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live and he who lives and believes in Me shall never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25 -26
There is a lot more to this that words just get in the way of expressing. How in living and in dying, Sharon has helped turn and continues to turn my life around. “Except a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies it abides alone. But if it falls into the ground and dies it brings forth much fruit. It’s a debt I cannot repay. It’s about how “the blinding light of God’s Grace can come breaking through with a sweetness that’s only tasted by the forgiven and redeemed.” If you or someone you love is traveling along that same dark and desperate path of drug addiction and sin that I once travelled, perhaps I can point you to Someone Who can and will help you. Someone doesn’t have to die to deliver you from Satan’s hand. Someone already has. I would feel and truly be blessed if I could humbly point you to that Someone. His Name is Jesus.”
On Memorial Day, two years ago I stood by Sharon’s grave and I asked God if it was wrong of me to have my conviction that she gave up her life for mine. Several minutes later a friend in Mississippi texted me a Bible verse “No greater love has anyone than this, to give up their life for their friend.”
On August 2018 While on a Pilgrimage to the Sharon Camp where I encountered God in 2006 I recorded this event:
“At sunset yesterday I picked a bunch of wildflowers and took them to the Sharon tree. I spent some time there praying and talking to Sharon and God.
Earlier, I asked God something I don’t recall ever asking Him before. If I could have some sort of a special visit with Sharon. I wondered if such a request was proper or even admissible, or perhaps what it even meant and why I was asking it? I didn’t know it would play out quite like this.
I told Sharon that largely because of her story I’ve pleaded for the lives of thousands of children. That every time I plead for a child not to be aborted, her child that was aborted did not die in vain. That every time I point post abortive women to God’s mercy, forgiveness and healing that it honors her and that her broken heart was not in vain. I didn’t understand why, but I found myself asking her if she greets these aborted children in heaven and if they are now her friends there? I then had the clearest visual of Sharon, surrounded by beautiful children, full of joy, walking through a beautiful meadow, she was beaming, looking down at them and they were all skipping and dancing looking up at her.
A few minutes later I remembered something that happened a couple years back. It was first thing in the morning and I picked up my Bible to start reading it. Normally I do my prayer time first so I laid my Bible aside. As I did I sensed the Holy Spirit say very clearly. “When you get done with your prayers I have a special Word from the Scriptures for you.” When I finished my prayer time and picked up my Bible the first Verse I laid eyes on was Isaiah 65:10 “Sharon shall be a fold of flocks”
I will never forget the way Sharon was sobbing the day she told me about her abortion. She was crying uncontrollably when she told me that she had always just wanted to be a mother.
I feel that we are somehow “In this Together!”
“Sharon shall be a fold of flocks.” Isaiah 65:10
We have a Strange and Merciful and Magnificent and Beautiful God!!!!
Since the first century, the Church has always remembered Friday as the day the Lord died and has always practiced Penance on that day. The forms of penance have varied over the ages but always included prayer, works of piety, almsgiving and denying oneself. This day of Penance has helped the faithful devote themselves to living the Christian message and remembering what Jesus did for us by dying on the cross. Many of us living today remember that every Friday we abstained from eating meat. Presently this requirement is only for the Fridays of Lent. HOWEVER, we are all still under the obligation of making Friday a day of Penance and remembrance of Jesus dying on the cross for us.
We are all under obligation to make Friday a day different from all the others. For my wife and I we abstain from meat on Friday, every Friday. We find this a great way to live out the love of Jesus and remembering what He did for us on Friday. We also try to remember the hour that He died. It is said that Jesus died at 3:00pm on a Friday. My wife and I stop what we are doing every day (when possible) and pray together the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. But, many would ask, why do all this and why remember every Friday and also the 3:00pm hour? I would like to take a look at this by examining Psalm 51. To me, this says it all. The Church puts this Psalm in to every Friday morning prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours.
Psalm 51 is also sometimes known as the Misere. It is a Psalm written by King David in response to his calling to mind his sins. Truthfully the prophet Nathan helped him to think about the wrong things he had done (read 2 Samuel 12: 1-13). When David was king he sinned greatly. First of all he was a “peeping Tom” watching Bathsheba take a bath and lusted over her. Secondly he had Bathsheba brought to him and formed an adulterous relationship with her. Thirdly, when Bathsheba became pregnant with David’s child he had Bathsheba’s husband Uriah (one of David’s loyal soldiers) killed. He then took Bathsheba as his wife. To think that God’s beloved David would do all this is hard to believe. God had given him everything, including being a forefather of the Messiah, Jesus. He sinned greatly. The reason that God reinstated David to his position in salvation history is that David deeply repented of his sins. David’s Psalm 51 tells us of God’s love and Mercy and our need to seek forgiveness. Take a look at this Psalm. This is the translation taken right out of the Liturgy of the Hours.
Psalm 51 – The Miserere
Have mercy on me, God, in your kindness. * In your compassion blot out my offense. O wash me more and more from my guilt * and cleanse me from my sin.
My offenses truly I know them; * my sin is always before me. Against you, you alone, have I sinned; * what is evil in your sight I have done.
That you may be justified when you give sentence * and be without reproach when you judge. O see, in guilt I was born, * a sinner was I conceived.
Indeed you love truth in the heart; * then in the secret of my heart teach me wisdom. O purify me, then I shall be clean; * O wash me, I shall be whiter than snow.
Make me hear rejoicing and gladness, * that the bones you have crushed may revive. From my sins turn away your face * and blot out all my guilt.
A pure heart create for me, O God, * put a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from your presence, * nor deprive me of your holy spirit.
Give me again the joy of your help; * with a spirit of fervor sustain me, that I may teach transgressors your ways * and sinners may return to you.
O rescue me, God, my helper, * and my tongue shall ring out your goodness. O Lord, open my lips * and my mouth shall declare your praise.
For in sacrifice you take no delight, * burnt offering from me you would refuse, my sacrifice, a contrite spirit. * A humbled, contrite heart you will not spurn.
In your goodness, show favor to Zion: * rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Then you will be pleased with lawful sacrifice, * holocausts offered on your altar.
There are many important things to see in this Psalm. First of all, we all sin and God abhors sin. Secondly, God is merciful and when we come to Him with sorrow for our sins, He forgives us. David acknowledged his sin and God forgave him. Thirdly, God sees all things and knows of our sins. We cannot hide them from Him. We may be able to hide them from others, but not from God. Fourthly, we need to have a change of heart. God is able to change our hearts to make them avoid sin. And lastly, even though our sins bring consequences to us and those around us, God does not hold a forgiven sin against us. He allows us to be who He has called us to be.
All of this is because of God’s love and mercy. It is because God loved us so much that He sent His only son Jesus in to the world and allowed Jesus to die for all of our sins. Just as Jesus rose from the dead, we too, once we ask forgiveness can rise up from our sins. It is certainly right to remember every Friday as a special day when Jesus died for our sins. It is certainly right to remember the 3:00pm hour as the hour that Jesus died for us so that we might have life.
I would urge you to make Friday a special day, a day of remembrance, a day of Penance. Take some extra time to pray. Take some extra time to help others. Try giving up something, denying yourself to help join Jesus in His gift of giving up Himself. Earlier I mentioned the Chaplet of Divine Mercy that my wife and I pray every day at 3:00pm. If you are not familiar with the devotions of Divine Mercy, I suggest that you make yourself familiar to them and use them. Here is a link on how to pray the Chaplet and has more information about the Divine Mercy:
Our God is a merciful and loving and forgiving God. We, as His children are far from perfect. Our sins pull us away from God, but He never gives up on His call to bring us back to him. All we have to do is acknowledge our sins and ask for forgiveness. The Church has given us a real healing Sacrament in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, commonly known as confession. Make use of it. God wants you, His child, to be near to Him. He does not want sin to separate us from Him. Remembering every Friday helps us to acknowledge our sin and see what God has done so we can be free.
Books are one of the true treasures of mankind. They entertain us, they move us, they help us to grow and they are so readily available to us today. Keith Berube’s new book (Mar 2020) on Mary is all of that and more. This book is one of the best treasures I have found in a long time. It did something to me that I thought was impossible. It helped me to love the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary more than I ever had; and I am a person who says the Rosary every day and have been doing that for well over 20 years. It has caused me to grow in an intimacy with Mary that I never had before.
There is one thing that you need to understand. I was brought up as a Protestant (Methodist) and converted to the Roman Catholic faith when I was 25 years old. My conversion was based mostly upon my reading of the 6th Chapter of St. John’s Gospel about the Eucharist and my study of the Vatican II documents. One thing that I had trouble accepting was the role of Mary in the Church. Like most Protestants, I thought that the Church overdid devotion to Mary. However, gradually I was drawn to read more about Mary and to start praying the Rosary. This helped me to develop a strong (at least I thought) devotion to her. This book has brought me much closer to her than I ever imagined. I can see her now in so many different ways. She is not only MY Mother, but also my Queen. She is not only an example of faith but she is THE best example of faith. She is the Mother of the Son, the daughter of the Father and the Spouse of the Holy Spirit. She is the Immaculate one and the one who loves to spend time with me. She is the one who protects me. She is the one who keeps leading me closer to God. Keith Berube’s book helped me to know all of that with a new enthusiasm.
Keith Berube divides his book in to three parts. The first part is all about the Rosary. After saying the rosary daily for over 20 years, I thought that I knew it well. This book revealed to me so much more about the Rosary that I never knew. It especially helped me to see the Rosary as a time when I was present to a Mother who loved me so much, and earnestly desired to be with me. The book taught me that saying the Rosary was the living out of a love story. It was where I could meet the Mother who always wanted to hear from me. It was where I could tell her I love her, in response to her love of me. It was a way that I could touch her, through the tactile feel of the beads. It was also a time where I could join her in her own mission of praying for others and leading others to her loving Son. The Rosary is life changing to those who pray it and to those who are lifted up in its prayers. The Rosary is something quite mystical in the way it lifts us up in to Spiritual joy. It is also one of the strongest weapons we have to use against the evil one.
The second part of the book is entitled, “The Veiled Dynamics of the Rosary”. In this section we hear more about Mary as woman (or girl as the author often refers to her) and the way her femininity causes not only us, but the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit to relate to her. It shows how her being a woman affects our communication with her and her communication with us. This femininity also shows how the Rosary is relational to us and how we in our own sexuality (male or female) relate back to Mary. This part also talks about how we see Mary not only as Mother but also as friend and one who reveals to us the secrets of her heart and also consoles us.
The third part of the book provides a short synthesis of Parts I and II. It helps us see that in praying the Rosary, we are giving flowers to the one who loves us so much. Every Hail Mary that we say is also a way of saying, “I love you” to Mary. The mysteries that we contemplate help us better understand the way God the Father has loved us through the Son and the Holy Spirit. The Rosary itself is very scriptural and helps us to meditate on the stories of our Salvation. It is also a time when we are joined by our guardian angel and the other Angels and Saints in prayer to God.
In the first Appendix Keith Berube includes some beautiful and moving poems. In the second Appendix he lists some other forms of the Rosary. In the third Appendix he talks about the CONSOLATIO MARIAE, a Private Association of the Catholic Faithful.
Throughout the book Keith Berube uses scriptures, stories and quotes from various Saints , and illustrations to enhance his writing. You can most readily see the author’s own love for Mary. As I said earlier, this book taught me to appreciate and form a new INTIMACY with Mary and a new appreciation of the Rosary as both a form of relational prayer and as a true weapon to fight those “dragons” that attack us. There is no way that this short review can tell you of the wonders of this book. You need to experience this yourself. Do yourself a favor and read this book.
Note: A publisher friend of mine sent me a copy of SACRED BRAILLE by Annabelle Mosely and asked me to review that. It is interesting that both books are about the Rosary and really complement each other. I love God’s timing. Annabelle Mosely did the forward to Keith Berube’s book. I really loved her book and will post a review shortly.
I enjoy writing book
reviews of books that I have read and then posting them on my website. However, I didn’t feel comfortable writing a
book review for this book since I am one of the contributors to it. I did read the book and really enjoyed it and
would recommend it to my readers. For
the review, I turned to my friend, Steven R. McEvoy and obtained his permission
to post the review that he had written and originally appeared on his
website: . Steven
does a great job of reviewing books and you should check out his website. Here is his review of Epic Saints.
Epic Saints Wild, Wonderful, and Weird Stories of God’s Heroes
I love books like this one. I love reading about saints and
am currently reading books from 4 different series about saints. But what a
book like this does is introduce me to a few new saints, it gives me some more
information and examples from saints that I am more familiar with. This was an
EPIC READ that I could hardly put down. It is mostly eBook about specific
saints and But there is also a lot of great information about the process of
saint making, and the canon and calendar of saints. But the volume is not just
the work of Shaun McAfee there are several contributors. Those contributors
Alex R. Hey
Sarah Spittler
Jessica Mcafee
Theresa Zoe Williams
Brooke Gregory
Deacon Marty Mcindoe
Shaun Mcafee
Laura Hensley
Mike Panlilio
Maggie Van Sciver
The essays interspersed through the biographies are:
Have Saints Always Been Canonized The Same Way?
What Is The General Roman Calendar?
Can These Stories Be Allegorical?
Are We Really Expected To Believe These Stories?
Why Are Some Saints Not On The Calendar?
What Is The Process For Canonization?
What Should We Do With Saint Narratives That Contain Errors Or Inconsistencies?
Why Are Some Canonized Quickly While Others Have Been In The Process For
Can I Become A Saint?
And on top of that are profiles of 74 saints. Shaun and the other contributors
do an amazing job or highlighting so many saints in such a short space. There
are almost a dozen saints I need to go find further readings on. And my son is
already looking forward to my rereading this book with him.
In this volume there are a few tales about dragons. Saints pulling practical
jokes and pranks. A bilocating death and many, many more stories of saints, of
Martyrs and holy men and women.
Though I will be honest with you, the pieces in this volume are so well written
you might have a hard time picking a favorite. And you will
definitely want to read more on at least some of the saints. An excellent read
that I highly recommend.
WHAT? By Shaun McAfee – a book review
by Deacon Marty McIndoe
Shaun McAfee, founder of, blogger at National
Catholic Register, contributor to Catholic Answers Magazine and many other
Catholic resources has written a new book published by Our Sunday Visitor. Personally I think that this is the best book
he has written; and I really enjoyed his other books. When I first saw the pre-publication
announcement for this book, I immediately put in an order for it. The title and description led me to believe
that this book would be a great resource for my parish RCIA program. I have been involved in the RCIA (Rite of
Christian Initiation of Adults) program for many years and know that those who
have gone through it need a really good resource book to continue their journey
after the time in the program has finished.
After reading this book I not only realized that the book is perfect for
that, but that the book is perfect for all Catholics on their journey of living
out the beauty of the Catholic faith.
The author of this book is a convert and has gone through
the RCIA process to become a Catholic.
How I wish that all of the people who go through RCIA become as good a
Catholic as Shaun and his wife have become.
Shaun’s overall knowledge of the Catholic faith and Catholic Theology (he
has a graduate degree from Holy Apostles College) is amazing. The way he lives out that faith with his wife
and family is even more amazing. Faith
is made to be put in to action and Shaun certainly does that. I have followed Shaun and his family on
Facebook for almost six years and although I have never met him in person, I
see the faith filled life that he leads.
That faith filled life pours over in to this book. Shaun tells us all the things we need to know
to be a good Catholic and he gives us personal examples of how to be a good
This 335 page book consists of 100 chapters that give us a
lot of information on the Catholic Church and why we do the things that we
do. I find it very refreshing that he
takes the times to not only tell us the things that we should be doing to be a
good Catholic, but also tells us why we do those things. He often refers to the Holy Scriptures as
well as the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
He also uses stories from the early church Fathers and the Saints to
explain. Besides that, he gives us plenty of personal examples
from his own life. He covers just about
everything that you can think of that speaks of Catholicism. He not only covers different topics but also
gives us things to do. For example, not
only do we learn about Baptism, but he also gives us ideas on how to celebrate
our Baptism day. He talks to us about
the priesthood and then encourages us to invite a priest over for dinner.
Shaun’s section on BEING A MODERN CATHOLIC has so much
richness to it when discussing evil, relativism (a must read), marriage,
sexuality, abortion, euthanasia, immigration, gossiping, giving, and
consumerism. His discussion of the
current sex abuse scandal and cover up is enlightening. He deals with all of the current issues in
the Church today. His way of facing
these issues clearly shows the HOPE that we as Catholics are called to
have. Shaun ends his book with a section
chapters in this section remind us of our calling as Catholics to share the
Good News that we have received. He
explains the “New Evangelization” and encourages us to reach out to those
around us, especially to our children.
I highly recommend that ALL Catholics read this book. The book covers serious subjects but is very
easy to read. It is informative as well
as interesting. It is a wealth of
information on the Catholic faith. This
book is not only for those who have just recently come in to the Church,
although it is great for them, but it is for all of us on our journey towards
Jesus in His Church. We can all benefit
from the explanations and the suggestions that Shaun makes in this book. As I write this, we are approaching the
LENTEN season. I highly suggest that
every Catholic get this book and read it and study it and live it out for
Lent. It might be the best thing that
you ever did for Lent.
All of us are aware of those things that can kill us. Heart disease, cancer, accidents, chronic respiratory
disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, influenza and pneumonia are listed by
Google (in that order) as the leading causes of death in the United
States. The World Health Organization
lists the world wide death causes that are about the same as the US but with
the addition of diarrheal diseases and Tuberculosis. Neither list mentions THE LEADING cause of
death worldwide in that list. It seems
to be a word that no one wants to mention, a word that everyone wants to
hide. But the Breitbart News Agency did
expose it to the public using statistics from the World Health Agency.
On 31 December 2018, the website reported
under the headline “Abortion Leading Cause of Death in 2018 with 41 Million
Killed” that “there have been some 41.9 million abortions performed in the
course of the year,” making abortion “the number one cause of death
worldwide in 2018, with more than 41 million children killed before birth.” They also said that the World Health
Organization indicated that between the years 2010 and 2014 WORLDWIDE abortions
averaged 56 million per year. Here in
the United States our abortion rates have dropped from a high of about 1.6
million per year to about 900,000 per year.
Since the 1973 Supreme Court decision, we have had over 60 million
abortions in the United States.
Certainly there are often discrepancies with statistics and who reports
them, but even the CDC reports over 600,000 thousand annual abortions in the
US. These are medically produced and
don’t include chemically induced.
Whatever way you look at it, abortion is killing off a huge amount of
our babies. Here in the United States we
kill about 2,000 babies every day through abortion. Worldwide we kill about 125,000 to 150,000
per day. This is most definitely a
hidden slaughter.
Statistics can help us to better understand what we are
doing. When we read the statistics on
abortion, we have a tendency to be numbed by the figures and really don’t think
about it. We don’t see the abortions
happening (thankfully) and they aren’t real to us. Whenever we are at war the news broadcasters
give us all of the news about the war, often including pictures. We are horrified by the casualties of our
soldiers, as we should be. If you look
at the statistics of war in comparison to abortion, you can start to realize
the horrors that are there. In 18 years
of war in Afghanistan we lost about 2,216 soldiers. That equals the number of deaths in about one
day of abortions in the United States, and 30 minutes worth worldwide. In the 14 years of the Vietnam War we lost
about 58,000 soldiers. It takes only
about one month of US abortions to reach the same number, and one half day
The number of babies that are killed before they are given
the chance to be born is staggering. I
can’t help but to think of that loss to our society. How many geniuses did we kill? How many musical virtuosos did we kill? How many researchers that could help us rid
the world of cancer and disease and hunger did we kill? We will never know because they are gone. Every life, whether it be from a developed
country like the USA, or a developing country, is important. Every unborn baby, whether wanted or unwanted
by his or her parents, is a gift from God who deserves the chance to become the
person that God calls them to be.
Society has the responsibility of protecting its weakest members and
helping them to reach their potential.
We, as a human family, have to protect the unborn and have to help them
grow. Our Declaration of Independence so
rightly says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are
created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable
Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” The first of the listed unalienable right is
LIFE. The government must protect this
right given to us from God.
Unfortunately our government, and many others, has turned
away from being held responsible for preserving the right of Life. They have turned instead to preserving the
right to choice and convenience. This is
not what God intended. The most
important gift given to us is our Life.
The scriptures are so clear about our God being a God of Life and how
precious life is, even in the womb. God
tells us in scripture, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before
you were born I consecrated you; I appointed you a prophet to the nations.” Yet today in many abortions we reach up in to
that sacred life giving womb and tear apart our own babies limb by limb and
crush their heads to kill them, all because they are an inconvenience. This is a barbaric slaughter often
instituted by those who are called to be protectors. What kind of society do we have where we
allow this, and often encourage this?
As a Catholic deacon, I personally have come in to contact
with several women who have had abortions.
Their life circumstances seemed to dictate to them at the time that they
had to have the abortion. Sadly, even
many years or decades after the abortion they are very troubled by what they
did. The abortion not only killed their
child, but it also put a very dark hole within them that is hard to climb out
of. I really feel for these women. I have also counseled several men who had
this same dark hole because their baby had been aborted by the mother. Some of them were part of the decision and
some of them fought the decision. Either
way, they were troubled for many years by the abortion.
We as a society need to protect the unborn. We need to pass laws that prohibit
abortion. We also need to find ways to
make changes to the life circumstances that cause a mother to even consider an
abortion. We also need to set up
programs to help women raise their children, especially when they live in
poverty. There is no doubt that this is
a costly and difficult thing to do, but it is well worth the cost and the
difficulty. Our society can only
benefit from doing this. We can benefit
from seeing the sacredness of Life and the sacredness of helping children grow
in to what God calls them to be.
I need to add one more factor that leads towards the high
abortion rates. In the USA we have a
very powerful entity called Planned Parenthood.
They have considerable political power and have even been embraced by one
of our major political parties. They
have many wealthy friends and many influential friends in Hollywood and in the
major networks and publications. They
promote abortion. Their 2019 report
(years 2017-2018) shows that abortion is their core mission. Planned Parenthood performed 332,757
abortions during the reported year, the most the abortion giant has reported
since 2011-2012. In contrast,
non-abortion services have declined. The
report also showed record-high numbers in national office and affiliate
financial income for 2018.
$1.9 billion in net assets, up from $1.6 billion in 2017.
million in taxpayer funding, up from $543.7 billion in 2017.
billion in total revenue, up from $1.46 billion in 2017.
$245 million in excess of revenue over expenses, more than double the
$98.5 million reported in 2017.
million in private contributions (including grants, individual
contributors, bequests, and corporate contributors), up from $532.7
million in 2017.
In spite of increased income and $245 million dollars in
excess of revenue over expenses, they keep getting our taxpayer money.
The founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, was a
racist who wanted “the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual
extinction, of defective stock”. She said,
“We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro
population…” ( Letter to Dr. Clarence J. Gamble, December 10, 1939,
p. 2). They are doing a great job of
that. Even though blacks make up about
12 percent of our population, 36 percent of PP abortions are from black women. In NYC this jumps to over 46 per cent. If you want to learn more about Margaret
Sanger, look up “Margaret Sanger Quotes” on For obvious reasons, Planned Parenthood likes
to distance themselves from their founder.
Pope John Paul II referred to us as being in a “Culture of
Death”. Our sobering statistics tell us
that he was correct. We, no matter what
our religion, should see Life as an important gift to be preserved and
cherished. This means saying no to
abortion but it also means saying yes to social programs that help families to
become the best they can be. It also
means saying no to Euthanasia. Life is
important and precious from conception to Natural Death. We in the United States should work on promoting
Life here, but we also must work on promoting it worldwide. We need to develop a “Culture of Life” and
get rid of this hidden slaughter that plagues our world.
On August 22nd, the eighth day after the
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church celebrates
the feast of the Queenship of Mary. From
the earliest days of the Church, these two events were seen as linked
together. When Mary was given the
special gift of being assumed bodily in to heaven, it was to take her place as
Queen of Heaven. For us today, in a
world where Kings and Queens are part of fairy tales or mostly exist for
ceremonial purposes, it is hard for us to understand why the Church would
recognize Mary as the Queen of Heaven.
In order to understand it better, we must look back in to our Jewish
roots, scriptures and the early Church fathers.
Mary exists as Queen only because Jesus exists as “King of
the Jews”. The first time we hear Jesus
referred to as King is in the Gospel of St. Matthew in his nativity
accounts. St. Matthew writes with a
great knowledge of Judaism and its history.
His nativity account is flowing with references to Jesus as King of the
Jews as related to the Davidic Kingdom.
He has the Magi, the eastern kings, come and worship the new King of
Kings. This is set in David’s city,
Bethlehem. It is the Magi who kneel
down before the baby Jesus, and before Mary and call Jesus the King of the
Jews. Joseph isn’t even mentioned when
the Magi adore the new babe. The
emphasis is placed upon Jesus and Mary.
To understand this we need to look at the Jewish role of the Queen
The Jews, like most of the other people of the Middle East,
gave special emphasis to the mother of the King as the Queen Mother. This was quite practical as most of the Kings
had numerous wives, but only one mother.
Scripture tells us that King Solomon, David’s son, had 700 wives and 300
concubines. In Jewish history the Queen
Mother had her throne right next to her son, the King. She helped him in caring for the
Kingdom. She was always especially
known as an advocate for her people. She
very often interceded for her people. In
1 Kings 2: 13-21 we hear the story of Adonijah who comes to see the Queen
Mother saying, “I have something to ask to you.” She replied, “Say
it.” So he said, “There is one favor I would ask of you. Do not refuse
me.” And she said, “Speak on.” He said, “Please ask King
Solomon, who will not refuse you, to give me Abishag the Shunamite for my
wife.” “Very well,” replied Bathsheba, “I will speak to the
king for you.” Then Bathsheba went
to King Solomon to speak to him for Adonijah, and the king stood up to meet her
and paid her homage. Then he sat down upon his throne, and a throne was
provided for the king’s mother, who sat at his right. “There is one small
favor l would ask of you,” she said. “Do not refuse me.”
“Ask it, my mother,” the king said to her, “for I will not
refuse you. So she said, “Let
Abishag the Shunamite be given to your brother Adonijah for his wife.” Of course, the King did what his mother
asked. This was the common practice for
Queen Mothers; to sit on a throne next to their son and bring him
intercessions. This is what our Queen
Mother, Mary does today for us.
There is no doubt that the Kingship of Jesus differs from
the Kingship of David or Solomon or any of the Jewish Kings. His Kingship is founded on his death and
resurrection. It is at the cross that we
read “Jesus, the Nazorean, King of the Jews.
It was on the cross, with Mary at his foot, that Jesus shows us that His
Kingdom is based upon Mercy and pure Love.
The Queenship of Mary follows this same example, Love and Mercy. Now Jesus is enthroned in Heaven with Mary,
the Queen Mother, at His side. Together
they are dispensers of God’s Mercy and Love.
Mary, the Immaculate daughter of the Father and spouse of the Holy
Spirit sits with her son and her God, Jesus.
The book of Revelation, Chapter 12 verses 1 though 5 gives
us an apocalyptic vision of Mary as Queen of Heaven. It says, “And a great sign appeared in
heaven: A woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and on
her head a crown of twelve stars: And being with child, she cried
travailing in birth, and was in pain to be delivered. And there was seen
another sign in heaven: and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads, and
ten horns: and on his head seven diadems: And his tail drew the third part of
the stars of heaven, and cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before
the woman who was ready to be delivered; that, when she should be delivered, he
might devour her son. And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all
nations with an iron rod: and her son was taken up to God, and to his throne.” I find it interesting that she has a crown
with twelve stars. Those twelve stars
remind us of both the twelve tribes of Israel who relied upon the Queen Mother
as their intercessor before the King and of the twelve Apostles who regarded
her as the mother of Jesus and their mother.
The red dragon reminds us of how Mary, our mother and our Queen, has
always resisted the attacks of the devil and is the promise of the New Eve who
stamps her foot upon the devil’s head.
When we see Mary as the Queen of Heaven we honor her place
in God’s plan as being the mother of His son Jesus, who is fully human and
fully God. Her resounding YES and her
flesh gave flesh to the Word. She was
the new Ark of the Covenant in which the very presence of God resided. It was
because of her that our Lord and Savior were brought in to this world. She is, most definitely, BLESSED among women.
St. Pope John Paul II in his letter, Rosarium Virginis
Mariae, tells us, “Christ was raised in glory to the right hand of the Father,
while Mary herself would be raised to that same glory in the Assumption, enjoying beforehand, by a unique privilege,
the destiny reserved for all the just at the resurrection of the dead. Crowned
in glory – as she appears in the last glorious mystery – Mary shines forth
as Queen of the Angels and Saints, the anticipation and the supreme
realization of the eschatological state of the Church.”
Hopefully, some day we too, like Mary, will receive our
glorified bodies and worship God and honor Mary in heaven. Until we do, we can honor her as Queen of
Heaven and bring before her our cares and concerns so that she can intercede
for us before her son, Jesus, the King of Kings.
On this 75th anniversary of D-Day I felt I should
write about it. I have shared some of
this before, but I think that it is needed now.
War is a terrible thing. It
brings out the worst in humanity. It
also brings out the best. World War II
was a terrible and destructive war but it also showed that humanity can, and
will, stand up against tyranny and evil.
Jesus told us that “Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down
his life for his friends” (John 15:13).
This was lived out every day of World War II and one of the greatest
examples of this is the D-Day invasion of Normandy, France beginning on June 6,
1944. The Allied forces lost almost
10,000 soldiers during that invasion. It
was the beginning of the end of the Nazi terrorism and the pure evil that they
had spread. If any war could be
considered necessary, this one certainly could.
Freedom fought back against tyranny and goodness fought back against
evil. The darkness of the Nazi regime
was overcome by the light of the Allied forces.
Proudly, the United States stood tall in bringing forth the light.
D- Day has affected us all in many ways. I realized how much it affected me when my
wife and I traveled to France and visited the beaches of Normandy where D-Day
happened. My birth father was one of the
many soldiers who landed at the beaches of Normandy and lived through that to
continue to fight the Nazis in Europe. I
certainly am proud of him for that.
While standing on the beach there and hearing our guide tell us of the
large loss of so many soldiers there, my wife turned to me and said, “Just
think about this; if your father had been killed here that day, you would never
had been born”. It was a most sobering
experience. I thought about those almost
ten thousand men who lost their lives on those beaches and mourned for them and
then mourned for all those children that they were never able to bring forth. My father had two brothers in that war. One of them, Carl was killed while trying to
free Italy from the Nazis. He was only
eighteen years old. He is still buried
in Italy. His other brother, Milo, lost
his leg while fighting the Nazis. My
father suffered from “Shell shock” which is what we now call Post Traumatic Stress
Disorder (PTSD). War is terrible and does terrible things to
people, yet our soldiers go out in to the midst of this hell, willing to give
all for the sake of freedom.
Europe is free today because of the fighting of the Allied
Forces. When we were in Normandy we saw
the honor and respect and gratitude the French people have for Americans. There are so many memorials there showing
this. We also saw it in Rome where there
are a number of plaques and monuments honoring American forces for setting them
free. We, as Americans, should be very
proud of what our soldiers did in WWII.
We should continue to be proud of them for all of the many wars and
conflicts that have occurred since then and before then. I pray that someday war may cease, but until
then a strong military is needed. We
need to support our soldiers. I am a
Vietnam War Era veteran. It was a hard
time to be an Army soldier then. The
Vietnam War was very unpopular and unfortunately people took it out on the
soldiers. Fortunately, this no longer
seems to be the case.
As I said, we need to support our soldiers. We can do this in so many ways. We can always thank them for their service
when we see them. We can pick up their
food or bar tab. I have done this so
many times and find it so uplifting, some of the best money I ever spent. We can work with and support soldier and
veteran’s groups. I work with and
support a local group, Boots on the Ground of Long Island. It is definitely one of the best around. Since I am a Roman Catholic deacon, I also
offer spiritual counseling to some veterans who are suffering from PTSD. They have seen and done things in the war
that no one should ever see or do. They
carry this home with them and it affects them tremendously. Sometimes all they need (besides professional
counseling) is a friend to share lunch or a beer with and to lend an ear and
caring mind. Our soldiers do so much for
us; we need to do for them.
Lastly, as strange as it might sound, we need to celebrate our soldiers. Going to Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day and Fourth of July parades is one way of doing this. Recognizing their accomplishments is also so important. Take time to visit a soldier’s museum or monument. Say a prayer for them. Just today I saw a video from CBS News showing a 97 year old veteran of D-Day, who parachutes out of plane to the field where he landed on D-Day. Check it out here (short commercial before) . This is quite a way to celebrate. Remember, we are called to thank and celebrate the men and women who did so much for us. God bless America.
Twenty four years ago today, April 19th, the
nation suffered a horrendous loss as 168 men, women and children (19) were
killed by a domestic terrorist bombing brought about by Timothy J. McVeigh and
Terry L. Nichols. The bombing destroyed
or damaged 324 buildings within a 16 block radius of Oklahoma City. The
blast shattered glass in 258 other buildings and destroyed 86 cars. Besides the 168 people killed about 680 people
suffered injuries from the blast. The emotional
damages caused by the blast are immeasurable.
Truly our nation suffered greatly
and families are still suffering from their loss.
Five years after the bombing, on April 19th, 2000
the Oklahoma City National Memorial was dedicated at the site. The memorial consists of 168 stone and glass
chairs representing each life lost. It
is very sad to see them all, especially the 19 smaller chairs representing the
children that were killed. Remembrance services are held every year on
April 19th. Certainly this large tragedy can never be
A teddy bear sits on a chair in the field of chairs at the Oklahoma City National Memorial and Museum in Oklahoma City, Tuesday, April 19, 2011, on the 16th anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)
Directly across from the site of the bombing is the oldest parish church in Oklahoma City, St. Joseph Old Cathedral. The Cathedral was badly damaged but has been rebuilt. The parish rectory was destroyed by the explosion. At the site of the demolished rectory, the parish has placed their own memorial. It is an Italian marble statue of Jesus with His back towards the site of the bombing. Jesus has His head down and His hand over His face in sorrow. Around the statue are pillars representing the children and unborn babies who were killed by the blast. The name of the sculpture is “And Jesus Wept” (See picture on top). It was dedicated in 1998.
This year the anniversary of the bombing falls on Good
Friday. I can’t help but to see a
message for all of us in this. First of
all, acts of terror such as these really show the depravity of those who plan
them. They have no concern for the
people who are so horrendously affected.
To call this sin would be an understatement. It reflects the pure evil, the pure darkness
that Jesus came to shed His light upon.
It shows why Jesus endured so much suffering for the sin that permeates
Secondly, it shows how our knowledge of how Jesus suffered
can help us in our own suffering. The
Catholic Church has always placed redemptive value upon the sufferings that we
find in our own lives. Somehow, our own
sufferings are united with the sufferings of Jesus. Somehow His sufferings can help us in our
sufferings. When we experience our own
crosses, His cross helps us to endure.
Thirdly, we know that the sufferings and death of Jesus upon
the cross led to the Resurrection of Jesus on Easter morning. People of faith know that even though we miss
our loved ones when they die, some day we will all be back together in the
precious gift of heaven. Jesus suffered
and died and rose from the dead so that we might have life forever in the
presence of our Heavenly Father.
We as Christians must do everything that we can to fight the
evil within the world. We must fight it
with hope and with love. The statue of
Jesus weeping reminds us how Jesus joins in with us in mourning our losses and
in mourning the sin and evil that can be so destructive to life. Everything about God is about LIFE. Everything about evil is about death. When we work with God, we work on the side of
life. When we are caught up in sin and
evil, we work on the side of death. God
calls us to choose life, not death.
We are at the end of the Church liturgical year. This Sunday, December 2nd, is the First Sunday of Advent. Advent is a very important, but very short, liturgical season. It is there to prepare us for the even shorter season of the twelve days of Christmas. Unfortunately and at the same time, our society also places demands upon us for celebrating Christmas, or as society says, “The Holidays”. These demands of society often keep us from the real preparation for Christmas that Advent calls us to. I really do believe that some of the demands of society such as Christmas decorating, parties and gift giving are important and do help us rejoice in the birth of our Savior, Jesus. But I also believe that we too often are more concentrated on these then on the spiritual preparation of the Advent season. This is something that we must work on.
I believe that at the heart of the Advent season we must recognize a yearning. This is a yearning that we have to be close to God and a yearning that He has to be close to us. The Advent readings reflect that two fold yearning. Advent is a time of yearning and a time of preparation to meet and be with the God who yearns to be with us even more than we yearn to be with him. It is a time when we celebrate the way that God comes to us. Christmas is the time we celebrate that the 2nd person of the Holy Trinity, the WORD, became flesh so that we could be with God and He could be with us. Advent helps us to celebrate better that special gift of the Incarnation. We can experience the yearning that the Jewish people had for the Messiah to come to them. The Old Testament (or Hebrew) readings help us experience that. They waited so long for His coming.
Advent is also a time for us to recognize the yearning for Jesus to come to us here and now. Life often has so many difficulties such as disappointments, illnesses and death of loved ones. We need help to live through these difficulties and we yearn for Jesus to be there with us. When we open our hearts, we can see that He is. Life also has so many great experiences and joys and it seems that we yearn to have God experience them with us, especially when we are filled with gratitude and praise. In our everyday life, in all that we do, God yearns to be present to us. If we really look within ourselves we also yearn for him to be there.
Advent also reminds us that just as Jesus came to His people on that very first Christmas, and just as Jesus joins us in our everyday lives, especially in the Eucharist, we still await another coming of Jesus. This second coming of Jesus will bring with it the fullness of His Kingdom. This too all creation yearns for (Romans 8: 19). Whether we will be alive when He comes again or not, we do know that we all will meet him when our body finally fails. Most people in ordinary life do not yearn for death, and thus this coming, but I have been with so many older and sickly people who do. They literally are yearning for their death so they can meet their Savior.
We really do not know when the Lord will come again and we do not know when our own time to meet him will come, so we must learn to be prepared.
Advent, when celebrated well, can help us do this. So how do we celebrate Advent well? First and foremost, we should try to attend mass as often as possible. If possible, every day is best. When we attend we should listen closely to the scriptures and the homily. God’s Word helps form us and readies us. Receiving Him in the Eucharist is so very important. He literally comes to us there. At home we should try to use a daily Advent devotional. There are many available at religious goods stores and online. Many Catholic organizations offer free emails every day to you. They are sent out daily at no cost. I especially like Dynamic Catholic which includes a link each day to a short video to watch. It is called “A Best Advent Ever” and can be found at BEST ADVENT .
An advent wreath is a great devotional to have in a home. It consists of an evergreen wreath and four upright candles. Four of the candles are purple (the liturgical color of advent) and one is pink or rose (the liturgical color of Gaudate Sunday the 3rd Sunday of Advent). One candle is lit for each of the four Sundays of Advent. There are prayer books to accompany the wreath (check online). This gives a great experience of waiting.
A Jesse Tree is also a great devotional for advent. We used to make one every year. All you need to do is to find a fallen branch with several branches on it and no leaves. You put it in a pot of dirt to hold it upright. You can Google “Jesse tree cutouts” and get free cutouts that you can print and cut out and color and hang on the tree. The idea is that you learn about the ancestors in the line of Jesus. This is a great way for children to learn about some of the famous Old Testament characters.
Last but not least, you need to try to find time within the busyness of the Season for some quiet. This is an especially great time of year for Penance and Reconciliation. Go to Confession. Take some extra time alone to pray. God comes to us when we find a place of stillness. He comes to us when we seek Him and YEARN for Him. Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus.
Even though we, as Catholics, are called to seek peace in all things, I believe it is important for us to reflect and celebrate our Veterans. We must thank them for their service and thank them for the freedom that we, and so many other people in the world, enjoy. Many of our soldiers are good Christians who often have been called to die for others. Jesus says that there is no greater gift than that. If you search our listing of Catholic Saints, over five hundred of them were soldiers, including the Peace loving St. Francis of Assisi.
Veteran’s Day, November 11th, was first known as Armistice Day because it remembered the Day that WWI ended and it remembered all the soldiers who gave so much in that war. In 1954 the name was changed to Veteran’s Day so that it would remember all the soldiers of all the wars. War is an absolutely terrible thing, but unfortunately it happens too often. With all of the evil in the world, there must be some people who will fight to keep freedom going. We in the United States of America should be very proud of our veterans and all that they have accomplished. We should pray for them. In honor of Veteran’s Day I would like to share with you a poem that tugs on my heart. I am a Vietnam Era veteran (though I was never in combat, just support) and this poem is written by a Vietnam veteran who was involved in heavy fighting. He is now a Catholic Priest and is pastor of a parish adjacent to mine.
Msgr. Charles Fink went in to the U.S. Army right after college and after training was sent to Vietnam where he was a rifleman and often a point man (most dangerous position). He was in Vietnam for one year and saw a considerable amount of battle. He lost many of his fellow infantrymen. He himself was wounded. His time in Vietnam helped him discern his calling to the Priesthood. He went in to the seminary after Vietnam and after being there for a while a nun came to talk. She talked about the Vietnam War and said things about soldiers in the war that Fr. Fink found upsetting. He said that she said things that were simply untrue and basically reflected what much in society thought at the time. He was so angered by her talk and her untruths that he went up to his room and wrote a poem entitled, “Bury me with soldiers”. In honor of all veterans from all the wars, I want to share that poem with you (permission given to me by Msgr. Fink).
I’ve played a lot of roles in life;
I’ve met a lot of men.
I’ve done some things I’d like to think
I wouldn’t do again
And though I’m young, I’m old enough
To know someday I’ll die.
And think about what lies beyond, And
Besides whom I would lie.
Perhaps it doesn’t matter much;
Still if I had my choice,
I’d want a grave amongst soldiers when
At last death quells my voice
I’m sick of the hypocrisy
Of lectures by the wise
I’ll take the man with all his flaws
Who goes, though scared, and dies.
The troops I know were commonplace;
They didn’t want the war
They fought because their fathers and
Their father’s fathers had before.
They cursed and killed and wept –
God knows they’re easy to deride –
But bury me with men like these;
They faced the guns and died.
It’s funny when you think of it,
The way we got along.
We’d come from different worlds
To live in one, where no one belongs
I didn’t even like them all and,
I’m sure they’d all agree.
Yet, I would give my life for them,
I hope. Some would for me.
So bury me with soldiers, please
Though much maligned they be
Yes, bury me with soldiers, for
I miss their company.
Please remember to thank our Veterans for their service and pray for them. So many veterans today suffer so much from what they have experienced. They need our love and our prayers.
Death is something that all of us must face some day. It is not an option. It is something that we all have in common, no matter what our station is in life. In my 38 years of diaconal ministry I have ministered to many who are close to death. Some people are fearful of death and try to avoid it no matter what the cost. Others seem to welcome it and even embrace it. I hope that when my time comes, I too will be able to welcome it and embrace it. It seems that when we have lived a life of faith and especially of trust in Jesus, we naturally can welcome and embrace death for it is our ultimate act of faith and trust.
A couple of weeks ago a close friend of mine called me and told me that one of his very good friends, Peter (not his real name) was near death. My friend told me of how close he was to Peter and how this man had helped him in his faith journey and even in meeting his wife. Now Peter was dying from cancer and had some questions about the death process. My friend asked me to come with him to visit Peter and hopefully answer his questions. I, of course, said yes and went with him that day. When I went to this dying man’s home, I was greeted by his wife and grown children. They were there to support him. As soon as I went in to Peter’s room, I could tell that he was weak and probably would die fairly soon. The cancer had taken all of the strength out of him, but his mind functioned very well. The first thing that we did was to pray for a moment. He then asked me how long this process of dying would take and what to expect. I had the sense that he had hoped the time would be short, but that he was also unsure of the process of dying.
Now I knew from my friend that Peter was a man of faith. He was a good Catholic that had attended things like Christian Awakening weekends and Charismatic prayer meetings. My friend told me that Peter had invited him to a Christian Awakening weekend many years ago and it was at that weekend that my friend met his future wife and also met Jesus in a new and real way. That weekend was instrumental in making my friend in to the good Catholic man that he is today, thanks to the Peter’s invitation. Peter’s faith had carried him through many difficulties in life. Now, his faith and trust in Jesus had to carry him through the death process.
Since Peter’s first question was how long it would take for him to die, I answered him by telling him that none of us can really know. Doctors can give estimates during fatal illnesses, but these are at best only an estimate. I told him that the timing was in God’s hands, BUT, in my many years of ministering to the dying, I found that those who had told their families and had told God that they were ready to die seemed to die quickly. This man seemed very happy to hear that. I then went through with him our Catholic teaching on death and what awaits us (for further information see my previous article by clicking the link below). The dying man seemed to find peace in what I said. I then told him that if he were ready to die, he should first tell his family members who gathered around him and then tell God that he was ready. Peter put a small smile on his face. We then all prayed together around him, including a Hail Mary. I told him that I would stop by again in two days.
The next day my friend called me to tell me that his friend had died, in peace. I truly believe that he had made peace with his family and had told God that he was ready. I know in my heart that this man had accepted, and even embraced and welcomed death. His struggles with cancer were now over and he was in the arms of God’s love and mercy. Death is hard on those who are left behind. My friend is a really great man and strong in his faith but I knew that this death was hard on him. I do see how God helped my friend in this. The day that Peter died, my friend was out on a long bicycle trip with another friend that we have in common. Because both of them have difficult schedules, this day trip was planned about two months before. My friend received the call of Peter’s death in the middle of the bicycle trip. Fortunately our other friend was with him and this helped tremendously. He too is a man of faith and a good Catholic. The beauty of the weather and their journey through a park and along the ocean brought comfort to my friend. Plus he had a good friend, a man of God with him. God put all of this together.
My friend was asked to do the eulogy and was a little nervous about it. He took a day to work on it and the next day I called him and asked him out to breakfast. I knew that his wife was away on retreat that weekend and that he was all alone. We had a great breakfast and talked a lot about the deceased. I then went with him over to his house to listen to the eulogy that he had written. He did a great job on the eulogy and was thankful to me for spending the time with him that day. It helped bring him strength and comfort. My friend knew the power of God working through the friends that he had. It truly helped him with this difficult time and made him strong enough to deliver a great eulogy.
Death is difficult on all who go through it. However faith in our Lord and the ability to trust in him (I love the Divine Mercy picture of Jesus that tell us JESUS, I TRUST IN YOU) can bring us true freedom where we can accept and embrace and welcome death when it is our time. It also gives us the ability to deal with loss when a loved one dies. God is so good. He is the God of LIFE and peace and comfort and strength.